
Corporate Groups and Packages

Unique and bespoke hospitality experiences at Ireland’s Summer Opera Festival

Reward customers, clients, or staff with an unforgettable evening at Ireland’s Summer Opera Festival. Set in the grounds of the majestic Lismore Castle, Blackwater Valley Opera Festival offers an unrivalled corporate entertainment and hospitality experience, providing bespoke corporate friends and sponsors with events packages specifically tailored to your individual requirements.

Tie your event in with tickets to the opera with super dining experiences in the stunning surrounds of Lismore Castle, add on concerts at the privately owned Dromore Yard, or combine events to suit your group. No matter what the occasion or your requirements, our experienced team will ensure that your corporate event is a uniquely outstanding, memorable success.

Corporate groups packages for 10 people are available from €2,950.00 includes 10 x premium opera tickets for one of the four opera performances in the grounds of Lismore Castle Waterford, 10 x formal pre-opera dining catered for by award-winning celebrity chef Eunice Power, festival programmes for your group and complimentary champagne on arrival.

Contact Eamonn Carroll, Festival Director on +353 87 2865207  or email eamonn |at| blackwatervalleyopera.ie

The combination of an outdoor opera with wonderful fare in the magical setting of the Lismore Castle gardens, is absolutely enchanting.”
- Dr Colin Hunt, CEO AIB plc