Next Generation Award Launched BVOF RIAM JPF Pictured Nadege Rochat at Dromore Yard

BVOF and RIAM launch Next Generation Awards


Blackwater Valley Opera Festival and the Royal Irish Academy of Music announce transformative prize to support next generation of talent

Blackwater Valley Opera Festival and the Royal Irish Academy of Music have announced a transformative new music prize to support the studies of two Masters students every year at Ireland’s National Music Conservatoire. The largest bursary of its kind in Ireland, the BVOF/RIAM Next Generation Awards will select one vocal studies student and one instrumental student annually to receive €20,000 per student. This new award will assist each winner to complete their two-year Master in Music Performance programme at the RIAM. 


BVOF/RIAM Next Generation Awards 

Blackwater Valley Opera Festival have carefully designed the awards to meaningfully support the next generation of classical musicians studying and working in Ireland. The entrance bursary provides access to the acclaimed Masters programme at the RIAM, plus a unique performance platform at Ireland’s Summer Opera Festival – within the impressive setting of the Blackwater Valley in Co. Waterford.

Speaking at the award announcement, RIAM Director Deborah Kelleher, said:

“This award is truly life-changing for two emerging young music professionals each year. This is the largest entrance bursary in the history of the Academy, the largest of its type in Ireland, and indeed, bursaries this generous are rare across conservatories worldwide.”

 “We are beyond thrilled to partner with BVOF and the John Pollard Foundation to offer this astonishingly generous bursary to some truly talented and remarkable musicians. The new award will open the doors of the RIAM to students across the globe, who may not otherwise have the means to study at Ireland’s oldest conservatoire, right in the heart of Dublin.”

Director of BVOF, Eamonn Carroll, added:

“The new BVOF/RIAM Next Generation Award will provide vital support for emerging artists in Ireland; it has always been our ethos to support and promote exceptional talent and we are delighted to partner with RIAM on this important initiative.”

 “This award is a significant new addition to our bursary programme, which also includes our own BVOF Bursary Award of €10,000 and collaborations with the RDS and Irish Heritage.”


How to Apply:

The Next Generation Award is open to vocal and instrumental students worldwide who apply to study on the Masters in Music Performance programme at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, with a particular focus on applications from tenor/countertenors for the vocal award. 

One vocal student and one instrumental student will be chosen through their RIAM audition to receive the award, which will be provided as €10,000 in Year 1 and €10,000 in Year 2. Students interested in studying at Masters level at the RIAM from September 2022 can apply between 1 March – 12 April 2022. All applicants will be eligible for the Next Generation Award.

More information on how to apply and audition requirements can be found on riam.ie/apply